Saturday, February 12, 2011

One-day colour contact lenses review

I am not going to lie -  it was pure vanity that inspired me to buy coloured contact lenses. My eyes are a mix of grey, blue and green and I was always curious what the colour contacts could do for me. I gave it a shot one day and I ordered on (previously, the two merged together) CIBAVISION FRESHLOOK one-day contact lenses in blue and green, thinking how riveting the look of my eyes will become.

Little did I know! I popped them on and immediately felt huge discomfort. The trouble was, I saw everything blurry and as a result, my head felt dizzy. What happened was that the coloured section partially covered the pupil, effectively depriving me of a clear vision....

As for the colour effect...yes, the original eye colour somewhat transformed, making whichever hue (in my case green or blue) more prominent. I do not believe, though, that the intensity of the colour would be enough to make my grey eyes brown, had I decided to try the brown tinted ones...In fact, the change in colour was so subtle, that none of my friends noticed it. 'Nuff said!

1 comment:

  1. no ako vidim mame ten isty problem s tymi color sa ma mohla opytat by som ta varovala...aj ja som videla vsetko, blurry a nejake zelene (green lens) a este jak sa mi ta sosovka hybala na oku, tak frajer povedal ze vyzeram jak nejaka supka z tretotriedneho nope...i said also :D
